Posted in Health

Covid-19 Vaccine: Doctor dies two weeks after taking Pfizer vaccine

In a shocking incident, a Miami doctor Gregory Michael died after taking coronavirus vaccine shot….

Please read the full article here:

Extensive report in German:

Posted in Health, Uncategorized

The 3 Pillars of Prevention — Advice by Dr Ulrich Bauhofer

(translated with Deepl)

The world is out of joint. The Corona Pandemic is a global epidemiological event of unprecedented magnitude. We are witnessing an unprecedented historical phenomenon in which the whole of humanity is taking up the fight against a virus or a disease in an unprecedented act of solidarity. This is taking place despite the fact that it is not even clear what disadvantages each individual will suffer in the process, and the extent of the economic damage is far from clear. So much for one side of the coin.


But there is also the other side: Covid-19 could lead to what Friedrich Nietzsche called the “reversal of all values”. The shutdown, which almost all countries on the planet have initiated, will change our lives for quite some time. But not only in the negative. Because it will calm it down, decelerate it and lower our stress levels, it will bring families together and let us arrive back at our homes, reduce CO2 emissions and thereby relieve our climate, come to the aid of the oceans and animals. It will also force the world of work to innovate, we will have to question global strategies and think in completely new ways. But most importantly, it will lift our humanity, empathy, helpfulness and charity into another dimension. We will reflect on new or perhaps old values. Therein lies the chance that this pandemic holds in store for us humans while the earth can catch its breath.


During the last week, I received countless phone calls that lead me to this letter. Without doubt your health is our top priority and of course we are there for you as always. We have set up a TELEPHONE or SKYPE TALKING HOUR. In order that there is as little waiting time as possible, please call or write us briefly, my team will give you a personal appointment.

Whether you have questions about a corona infection, the new test methods, other medical topics or meditation, we will support you in this difficult situation for all of us. Please do not hesitate to contact us even if you are not feeling well. As you know, Ayurvedic medicine always sees the whole person.


At this point I would like to introduce you to the three pillars of prevention against Covid-19 infection on which Ayurvedic medicine is based:

1. hygiene 2. strengthening of the immune system 3. mental strength

In addition, Ayurvedic medicine naturally also has a comprehensive arsenal of holistic and personalized therapeutic measures that we can fall back on in the event of an infection.

Let us start with some additions to the official hygiene instructions.


– Why isolation?

Why is isolation and two meters distance important? An infected person with a strong immune system does not even notice that he is infected and infects an average of 3 people. Children remain infected for up to 5 weeks! This is how the exponential curves of new infections are created. Distance brings the greatest security.


– What’s better than a handshake?

Namaste – the traditional Indian greeting, for which you close your hands as if in prayer and bow slightly to the person opposite you, means: The divine in me greets the divine in you. Can a greeting be expressed more beautifully?


– Why is soap our best ally in the fight against Covid-19?

Vegetable or animal fats in the soap are converted to alkali salts of fatty acids by adding alkaline solutions. The surfactants can destroy the fat membrane of viruses – yes, even of CoV-2. Important: wash your hands particularly thoroughly. Rough spots and wrinkles must be cleaned completely, for at least 20 seconds, including the spaces between the fingers and under the nails. Special attention should be paid to the fingertips and thumbs, as this is where most germs are located.

In public washrooms the use of disposable towels is recommended. Germs are carried into the air by hand dryers and can settle on surfaces again.

– Disinfect your mobile phone regularly, you have it permanently near your face.

– Clean door handles and frequently used surfaces regularly. Wash your clothes often or hang them in the sun.

– Wear gloves when you leave the house, you will touch your mouth and nose less. Practice touching your face as little as possible. At the beginning of last century, this was part of good style.


– Drink hot water, herbal tea or lemon water with honey every 15-30 minutes. This will flush the viruses out of the throat and into the stomach, where they destroy the stomach acid formed by the mucous membranes. The virus takes about 3 days to reach the lungs.


With all the recommendations that reach us via the media, we clearly do not know what we can do to strengthen our immune system. Ayurvedic, in combination with modern medicine, has a variety of strategies that we should use now. Then even an infection would lead to a mild course. I have therefore put together an immune booster kit, which you are welcome to order from us.


“The pathogen is nothing, the terrain is everything. Louis Pasteur

– There is an abundance of ayurvedic medicinal plants that strengthen the immune system. In the preparations Amrit Kalash MA 4 or Ayur-Immun they are combined in such a way that they intensify their effect.

– Vitamin D produces your body’s own antibiotic. Every cell has a vitamin D receptor. You should take 50 units per kg body weight daily, e.g. 3500 units for 70 kg. If you supplement on a weekly basis, your body must first mobilize vitamin D from its stores. Give it to him daily – I recommend drops right now – then he can have it immediately.

– Vitamin C is essential at the moment. It is important for a whole range of antiviral processes in the body. Without vitamin C there is no effective barrier function of skin and mucous membranes.

– Also zinc. It is actively involved in the formation of defence cells. Even if a pathogen is already in the system, zinc helps to combat it. Furthermore, this trace element is essential for the neutralization of free radicals.


– Scented essences such as eucalyptus, clove oil, lavender, rosemary or bergamot protect our mucous membranes. The Nature Protect fragrance oil was specially developed to defend against viruses.


– Pay attention to a high-quality diet, do not overload your digestive tract and ensure that your bowels are emptied daily. 70% of your immune system works in the intestine. With interval fasting, the 16/8 rule (wait 16 hours after the last evening meal until the next meal), you relieve your digestive tract and strengthen your immune system. The same applies to light breakfast and early, warm dinner without meat and raw vegetables, with a midday main meal and lots of vegetables. Spices such as turmeric, ginger, thyme, oregano, pepper, cloves or laurel also support the immune functions.


– Go out into the fresh air daily, corona viruses are transmitted in crowded rooms, not outdoors. In your apartment you have about 500 lux at your disposal, under the open sky up to 50 000 lux at noon – with a daily increase as spring approaches. Light makes you healthy.

– Kneipp cured himself of tuberculosis with hot-cold ablutions. Why? Strong alternating temperatures stimulate the body in such a way that it trains the defence against pathogens. The physician and physicist Dr. Bernhard Uehleke from the Charité in Berlin: “With a time expenditure of 1 minute the body can be protected against infections and even hardened against stress”.

– Ventilate well so that your mucous membranes do not dry out and become more susceptible to viruses and bacteria. Integrate mucous membrane care into your morning routine. This includes, for example, pulling oil for 5-10 minutes with a sip of sesame oil (then spit it out) and a drop of sesame oil in each nostril to cleanse the mouth, throat and respiratory tract and strengthen the gums. Mucous membranes should be moist and supple. If they dry out – viruses can settle down.


– Moderate exercise, if possible at least 3-4 times per week. I recommend to exercise according to your type. A Pitta Power type should exercise differently than a sensitive Vata type. Stimulate your circulation and blood flow, take deep breaths and thus lower the concentration of inflammation markers in the organism. If you work yourself out until you are exhausted, you will weaken your immune system.


“It is the spirit that builds the body. Friedrich Schiller

Fear and panic weaken our defences. Joy, optimism, good mood, enthusiasm, laughter strengthen them. Certainly we do not feel like laughing at the moment. Nevertheless, we should work on keeping our confidence. That is why mental strength is particularly important in times of crisis. What can we do for sovereignty, inner peace, stress resistance, resilience and an optimistic attitude?


– Meditation is the best means for this. Whatever meditation technique you have learned, practice it regularly now. As you know, I am a big fan of Transcendental Meditation (TM), on whose effects on the cardiovascular system I wrote my doctoral thesis. Nothing gives you deeper peace. TM is easy to learn and practice, is scientifically well documented and comes from the millennia-old tradition of yoga. So: If you cannot go out now, go within!


– Sleep purifies our mind and activates the regeneration processes in our body as well as the purification system in our brain, the glymphatic system. If you have built up a sleep deficit over a longer period of time, now is the time to make up for it. Sleep until you wake up on your own without setting an alarm clock. Lack of sleep weakens the immune system. Use the quarantine to get some real rest. Give in to your need to sleep. At first you will feel even more tired, but then comes the point where you feel fresh and full of power. Go to bed as early as possible – sleeping before midnight counts double!

– Practice light yoga exercises. These stretching exercises will make your body supple and harmonize your mind.


– As far as possible, deal with positive things – not just the horror stories of these days. They put pressure on our mood, our mind and our immune system.

– Give a smile to the people you meet when you go for a walk or shopping or during a video conference. You will get it back. And also wave to the bus and tram driver, they will thank you for this sign of appreciation.


Even if you can’t implement all of these recommendations at once, start with a few. In the course of time, you may feel like following a few more tips.


I will offer zoom lectures in the coming weeks. Maybe you would like to attend one of these online conferences.

If you wish, we will keep you informed. Please also check my website.

Enjoy a quiet, sunny weekend. Stay healthy and confident!


Your Ulrich Bauhofer

For questions of any kind –

please call us

089 – 2104 3695

or contact us via email Ulrich Bauhofer

Falkenturmstraße 12

80331 Munich



Posted in Culture, Health, People

Sauna Marathon in Estonia

Sauna Marathon in Estonia
“The goal is to survive”
In Estonia, about 1,000 people took part in the sixth European Sauna Marathon. The rules required by the teams of four, along a route to visit any amounts saunas and stay at least three minutes in any sauna.
See video at

Translation from German:

New attendance record for the European spa Marathon

The European Sauna Marathon took place in Estonia for the sixth time. About 1,000 participants represented a record: The rules require to visit  20 saunas along a route and at least three minutes to stop at any sauna.

It seems to be true love which moved the people of Estonia on Sunday – they were hot on the annual European Sauna Marathon, held again in the winter sports center of Estonians in Otepaeae.

About 1,000 participants represented a record: The rules required by the teams of four, along a route to visit any amounts of saunas and at least three minutes to stop at any sauna.

Although there were delays in the icy air because of the crowds, the enthusiasm cooled hardly:
“It is love for the sauna, yes, and if you can find the orientation, then it will be very exciting!”
“It’s a very cool event. Friends meet, a great pastime. It hardens (toughens), because it is cold outside. And when the winter is only short, this is wonderful! ”

Stipp visits in 20 saunas were required in this sixth edition of each team. Extra points were, for example for diving or swimming in an ice hole or in the hot tub. One participant even came from India, many from neighboring countries or from Germany or the United States:

“This is a family reunion that unites us. We can all join together and support each other. And of course, it is also a challenge. The most important thing is, yes, to dive into the ice, but after that you can enjoy a very good feeling, as in this whirlpool.”

“So, the key training for this competition is to just run as fast as possible in the cold to the next hot spot, and again and again without dying. Your goal here is simply to survive. The simple, brutal survival “.

Not only the second infusion of last year, but something very special, among other things: this sauna in a fire truck or that venue in the sauna-disco. The grand prize for the winning team, incidentally, was a brand new hot tub. This should be backed up a hot and cool at the same time preparing for the next time.

Posted in Health, Holidays, People, Travel

The Craziest Saunas in Europe

This German article by Kira Hanser describes the current sauna scene trends in Germany, FInland and in Estonia:

The craziest saunas in Europe

Naked in the gondola (nacelle). On city tour in a sauna bus. Sweating and baking rolls. In Germany, Finland and Estonia sauna-goers are increasingly entertained. An odd choice.

In Finland there is the first Sauna- nacelle. From outside you cannot peep in. Photo: Doppelmayr Seilbahnen GmbH
In Finland there is the first Sauna- nacelle. From outside you cannot peep in. Photo: Doppelmayr Seilbahnen GmbH

The Germans are almost as crazy as the Finnish sauna lovers. 30 million people sweat together regularly – that at least the German Sauna Association says. And they are increasingly demanding.

Therefore, according to the “Guinness Book of World Records,” the world’s largest sauna is consequently not somewhere in Scandinavia, but in Baden-Württemberg’s Sinsheim in Germany.

166,10 square meters – up to 150 people can fit inside. At the same time they can watch Japanese Koi Carps in an aquarium. …

The desire of the Germans for sauna sessions did certainly not remain unnoticed by the Federal Ministry of Finance. Taxes will rise soon. Through higher costs therefore the sauna entry prices could increase by twelve percent.

For this reason people come up with new sauna ideas, so guests may not stay away. …

For example, in Tallinn, the Estonian capital, guests covered in just their bathrobes climb from the hotel  directly into a sauna bus for the nudist city tour. However, the windows are mirrored. …

Gondola with Sauna

And the craziest sauna in the world? This seems to be in Finland. At the Arctic Circle people can sweat at 100 degrees -naked in a gondola.

About 20 minutes the hot ride takes you up the mountain Yllas and back again, just upto four people. For all cases during a power failure, warm clothes and a fire extinguisher are on board.

It is probably the world’s most expensive sauna: 1500 € is the gondola rent for two hours.

Full text:

Posted in Health, Technology

CGI Partners With Estonian Agencies to Develop Innovative Emergency Response System

CGI in collaboration with the IT and Development Center of the
Estonian Ministry of the Interior, the Estonian Emergency Response
Center, the Estonian Rescue Board and the Estonian Health Board has
developed and implemented an innovative emergency response system
designed to dramatically speed up response times and save lives.

At the heart of the system is a user-friendly digital map, located
both in the control rooms of the Estonian Emergency Response Center
and also within rescue vehicles and ambulances. Real time data is fed
in from multiple mobile devices, and the system recommends the most
appropriate resources to respond to the emergency. The map displays
the scene of the incident, the fastest route there and the real time
location of available resources.

With this new system, the government and citizens of Estonia
expect to realize the following benefits:

– Faster identification of emergency scenes
– Faster and more efficient deployment of emergency resources
– More accurate emergency information
– Faster exchange of emergency information among first responders
– Faster arrival at the scene of an emergency
– Accurate geographical overview of emergency scene and assigned first
responders …

Read more at,a4024582.html

Posted in Health, Technology, Travel

Estonia equipping 140 buses with “Alcolocks”

Tallinn, December 19, 2014 – Estonia is will equip vehicles with alcohol interlocks in tenders for public bus transport. Next year, 140 buses are equipped with devices to analyze the alcohol content of the driver’s breath.

It was agreed that alcolocks can make a significant contribution to improving road safety. Regular statistics on alcohol violations are intended to help with specific problems.

Source: ETSC